Variadic macros tricks

Have you ever wanted to write a “for each” loop over all the args of a variadic macro? Or have you ever wanted to overload a macro on the number of arguments? (If you’re saying to yourself, “good grief, why?” — I’ll describe a use case at the bottom of this post.)

I learned how to do this today, and I wanted to blog about it to cement the technique in my own mind. (And I hereby put all the code I show here into the public domain.)

What happened when I decided to learn this technique. I’m trying to spare you… :-) Image credit:

Simple variadic macros

The first piece of magic you need to do something like this is __VA_ARGS__. This allows you to write macros that take an arbitrary number of arguments, using ... to represent the macro’s parameters:

#define eprintf(fmt, …) \
fprintf(stderr, fmt, __VA_ARGS__)

Nice. __VA_ARGS__ is a standard feature of C99, and I’ve known about it for a long time. I’ve also known about GCC (and Clang’s) extension, which attaches special meaning to ##__VA_ARGS__ if it’s preceded by a comma–it removes the comma if ##__VA_ARGS__ expands to nothing. If I change my macro definition to:

#define eprintf(fmt, …) \
fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)

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…I can now call eprintf("hello, world"); without a complaint from the compiler.

But it’s not enough

That doesn’t let me do a “for each” loop, though. All the args that I pass are expanded, but I can’t do anything with them, individually. I have no names for my macro’s parameters–just the anonymous .

I went poking around, not expecting to find a solution, but I was pleasantly surprised.

The “paired, sliding arg list” trick

The next building block we need is a technique that uses two complementary macros plus __VA_ARGS__ to select something specific out of a macro arg list of unknown size. I found it in an answer on, and you can parse it all out directly from there, but the magic’s a little opaque. Here’s an explanation that takes it one step at a time:

// Accept any number of args >= N, but expand to just the Nth one. In this case,
// we have settled on 5 as N. We could pick a different number by adjusting
// the count of throwaway args before N. Note that this macro is preceded by
// an underscore–it's an implementation detail, not something we expect people
// to call directly.
#define _GET_NTH_ARG(_1, _2, _3, _4, N, …) N
// Count how many args are in a variadic macro. Only works for up to N-1 args.
#define COUNT_VARARGS(…) _GET_NTH_ARG(__VA_ARGS__, 4, 3, 2, 1)
int main() {
printf("one arg: %d\n", COUNT_VARARGS(1));
printf("three args: %d\n", COUNT_VARARGS(1, 2, 3));
// —— output ——–
one arg: 1
three args: 3

See how it works? The first macro, _GET_NTH_ARG(), takes any number of args >= N, but always returns item N (in this case, N=5). The second macro, COUNT_VARARGS(...), takes an arbitrary number of args < N, pads with candidate values it wants to extract, and uses its args to call _GET_NTH_ARG() in a way that puts the right candidate value in the known N position. In this case, the meaningful piece of info that we want in position N is an arg count; we’ve provided the values 4, 3, 2, 1 as candidate values, and one of those values will be in position N on expansion.

Tweaking this macro pair to handle a different N is a matter of adjusting what comes before N in the first macro, and what comes after __VA_ARGS__ in the second macro. I’ll leave that as an exercise for the reader. :-)

We don’t have to select a numeric count with this technique; we could use it to select arg names with the # operator, or even other macros. This will come in handy in a moment. But first, let’s address one shortcoming: COUNT_VARARGS(...) doesn’t handle the case of zero args. Here’s the fix:

// Accept any number of args >= N, but expand to just the Nth one. The macro
// that calls us still only supports 4 args, but the set of values we might
// need to return is 1 larger, so we increase N to 6.
#define _GET_NTH_ARG(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, N, …) N
// Count how many args are in a variadic macro. We now use GCC/Clang's extension to
// handle the case where … expands to nothing. We must add a placeholder arg before
// ##__VA_ARGS__ (its value is totally irrelevant, but it's necessary to preserve
// the shifting offset we want). In addition, we must add 0 as a valid value to be in
// the N position.
#define COUNT_VARARGS(…) _GET_NTH_ARG("ignored", ##__VA_ARGS__, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
int main() {
printf("zero args: %d\n", COUNT_VARARGS());
printf("three args: %d\n", COUNT_VARARGS(1, 2, 3));
// —— output ——–
zero args: 0
three args: 3

Macro overrides

Now, we can build on this to define a variadic macro that has an expansion overridden by how many args it receives. This is what the original stackoverflow answer did. Something like this:

// Define two overrides that can be used by the expansion of
// our main macro.
#define _MY_CONCAT3(a, b, c) a b c
#define _MY_CONCAT2(a, b) a b
// Define a macro that uses the "paired, sliding arg list"
// technique to select the appropriate override. You should
// recognize this as similar to the GET_NTH_ARG() macro in
// previous examples.
#define _GET_OVERRIDE(_1, _2, _3, NAME, …) NAME
// Define a macro that concats either 3 or 2 strings together.
int main() {
printf("3 args: %s\n", MY_CONCAT("a", "b", "c"));
printf("2 args: %s", MY_CONCAT("a", "b"));
// —— output ——–
3 args: abc
2 args: ab

Now we’re getting close to being able to code a “for each” loop over all the args to a variadic macro. If the macro that gets overridden has a “for each” flavor, it all comes together:

// Accept any number of args >= N, but expand to just the Nth one.
// Here, N == 6.
#define _GET_NTH_ARG(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, N, …) N
// Define some macros to help us create overrides based on the
// arity of a for-each-style macro.
#define _fe_0(_call, …)
#define _fe_1(_call, x) _call(x)
#define _fe_2(_call, x, …) _call(x) _fe_1(_call, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _fe_3(_call, x, …) _call(x) _fe_2(_call, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _fe_4(_call, x, …) _call(x) _fe_3(_call, __VA_ARGS__)
* Provide a for-each construct for variadic macros. Supports up
* to 4 args.
* Example usage1:
* #define FWD_DECLARE_CLASS(cls) class cls;
* Example usage 2:
* #define START_NS(ns) namespace ns {
* #define END_NS(ns) }
* #define MY_NAMESPACES System, Net, Http
* typedef foo int;
#define CALL_MACRO_X_FOR_EACH(x, …) \
_GET_NTH_ARG("ignored", ##__VA_ARGS__, \
_fe_4, _fe_3, _fe_2, _fe_1, _fe_0)(x, ##__VA_ARGS__)

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Okay, but why?

I said I’d provide some explanation of why this technique could be useful. In general, I am not a fan of macros rewriting the syntax of a programming language; that can obscure what’s really happening, and make for a steeper learning curve.

On the other hand, sometimes they are really helpful. They can make code much less verbose/repetitive by eliminating noise and boilerplate. Occasionally, I run into cases where that tradeoff seems worth it to me.

More importantly, macros have a property that you can’t get any other way–the same fragment of code can have multiple meanings, and can maintain this semantic parallelism without being susceptible to human memory errors, laziness, or misunderstanding. I have previously blogged about how valuable this can be in eliminating encapuslation problems with enums, but I recently found another need for it. In my project to create a new programming language, I have to create some foundation packages and classes — the analog to java.lang in java, or System and My in .NET. This foundation needs to written in C/C++ to avoid a chicken-and-egg problem. That means I need some way to use namespaces, classes, and other C++ constructs in the source code, but also generate package and class constructs visible to my intent compiler. Macros were an obvious answer.

The only problem was that some of my macros needed to be variadic–and I needed for-each-style semantics. Hence my research. :-)

How about you? Have you ever had a need for something like this?

12 thoughts on “Variadic macros tricks

  1. I love the preprocessor for exactly this kind of work. Although macros get a bad name these days, the preprocessor itself is still a powerful and wonderful tool when used for the problems you described.

    What I’ve discovered recently as I have been writing custom macros is that many, if not all, of the underlying code I invent is already written in the boost.preprocessor library. I’m not sure if it has an identical solution to what you have created above but I know it has a macro to convert the var_args to a count and list. (BOOST_PP_VARIADIC_TO_LIST)

    I was also pleased to discover that they have the mechanics to quickly implement my favorite preprocessor pattern you taught me years ago, the enum-declaration-via-include-file. (BOOST_PP_ITERATION)

    In my opinion, the boost.preprocessor library documentation leaves a little to be desired in terms of examples and descriptions. But there is a lot there to work with.

    • Jason: I’ve run into boost.preprocessor a few times, but I haven’t used it much. Shame on me! Thanks for reminding me to learn about it.

      When I run into a programming problem that I don’t know how to solve, I often like to write my own solution–not so much because I want to *use* my own solution, as because I want to learn what it takes to solve the problem. Once I’ve solved it to my own satisfaction (and, sometimes, written about it so I understand how it works well), then I can appreciate a more elegant or general solution, and chuck my own. I’ll have to look into boost.preprocessor to see if it solves the problem I was seeing in the intent codebase; if so, I’ll gladly switch over, since I’m already using boost a fair amount.

  2. Mattias says:

    Hi. I try the example “macros_overridden_by_arg_count” but I get the warning “not enoug parameter for macro ‘_GET_OVERRIDE’

  3. Rune Paamand says:

    Mind that your examples will not work on MSVC where the variadic macro does not expand. You need an expansion step to achieve the `COUNT_VARARGS`:

    // Count how many args are in a variadic macro. Only works for up to N-1 args.
    #define RETURN_ARG_COUNT(_1, _2, _3, _4, N, …) N
    #define EXPAND_ARGS(args) args
    // Notice double parenthesis for expansion single to var arguments
    #define COUNT_VARARGS(…) RETURN_ARG_COUNT EXPAND_ARGS((__VA_ARGS__, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0))

  4. Thank you! I think I ran my code through a version of MSVC at one point, but I’ve long since let any insight about it grow stale, so this is a great help. I appreciate the improvement.

  5. metablaster says:

    Hi Daniel, thank you a lot for these macro hacks which are awesome, I knew all of them except the “for each” macro, it doesn’t work in MSVC out of the box, here is a trick for those who want to make it work!

    #define EXPAND(x) x

    #define _GET_NTH_ARG(_1, _2, _3, _4, N, …) N

    #define _fe_0(_call, …)
    #define _fe_1(_call, x) _call(x)
    #define _fe_2(_call, x, …) _call(x) _fe_1(_call, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define _fe_3(_call, x, …) _call(x) EXPAND(_fe_2(_call, __VA_ARGS__))
    #define _fe_4(_call, x, …) _call(x) EXPAND(_fe_3(_call, __VA_ARGS__))

    #define CALL_MACRO_X_FOR_EACH(x, …) \
    EXPAND(_GET_NTH_ARG(__VA_ARGS__, _fe_4, _fe_3, _fe_2, _fe_1, _fe_0)(x, __VA_ARGS__))

    #define FWD_DECLARE_CLASS(cls) class cls;

    void test()

  6. Dave MacLachlan says:

    Thanks so much for the article. Just an FYI that you have a typo in your second `eprintf` block. I think you want `#__VA_ARGS__` as opposed to `#__VA_ARGS`

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